sorry for the unusually long silence on this blog, I'm crazy busy, so for now just a brief quote from Ramón Grosfoguel (ethnic studies, Berkeley), who, in his article 'The epistemic decolonial turn' writes:
"'Coloniality of power'
refers to a crucial structuring process in the modern/colonial
world-system that articulates peripheral locations in the international
division of labor with the global racial/ethnic hierarchy and Third
World migrants' inscription in the racial/ethnic hierarchy of
metropolitan global cities. In this sense, there is a periphery outside
and inside the core zones and there is a core inside and outside the
peripheral regions."
use the word 'colonialism' to refer to 'colonial situations' enforced
by the presence of a colonial administration such as the period of
classical colonialism, and, following Quijano (1991) Quijano (1993)
Quijano (1998), I use 'coloniality'
to address 'colonial situations' in the present period in which
colonial administrations have almost been eradicated from the capitalist
world-system. By 'colonial situations' I mean the cultural, political,
sexual, spiritual, epistemic and economic oppression/exploitation of
subordinate racialized/ethnic groups by dominant racialized/ethnic
groups with or without the existence of colonial administrations."
He goes on to say that "The
mythology about the 'decolonization of the world' obscures the
continuities between the colonial past and current global
colonial/racial hierarchies and contributes to the invisibility of
'coloniality' today."