this image comes up when you google empathy - is this how you imagine it working? |
I have repeatedly blogged here about how empathy can be problematic, particularly when it is appropriative. I have argued that when empathy does lead to solidarity, there is a greater risk of it being a more colonial sort of solidarity. Yet I am happy to see that even as empathy experiments abound, there seems to be a growing discussion and critique of empathy.
The European Society for
Literature, Science and the Arts is dedicating its next annual
conference to the theme of empathy, or EMPATHIES
The conference will take place in Basel (Switzerland), from 21-24 June 2017. The deadline is: 10 December 2015. It will be organised along the four streams: (1)
Empathy, Morality, Ethics; (2) Empathy, Narrative, Imagination; (3) Empathy and the Nonhuman; (4) Collective Empathy.
As Manuela Rossini, the president of the association, put it in an email:
transversal theme will also be "the dark sides of empathy," which
certainly includes critical perspectives from postcolonial studies on
the topic. In addition, there will be a pre-conference
workshop on 20 June for doctoral candidates and postdocs dedicated to "The Cultural Politics of Empathy."